December 16, 2010

the world 4 star airlines

Air New Zealand

Japan Airlines

Air Berlin

JetBlue Airways

Air France

Korean Air

ANA All Nippon Airways



Pacific Blue

Bangkok Airways

Porter Airlines

British Airways

Qantas Airways

China Airlines

Silk Air


South African Airways


Swiss Int'l Air Lines

Etihad Airways

Thai Airways


Turkish Airlines


Virgin Atlantic

Garuda Indonesia

Virgin Blue

Hainan Airlines

Garuda Indonesia Joins SkyTeam

Alliance expands its reach in Southeast Asia and Australia

Jakarta, 23 November 2010 – Garuda Indonesia, the flag carrier of Indonesia, today signed an agreement to join the SkyTeam airline alliance in 2012. Garuda will expand SkyTeam’s presence in Southeast Asia, adding 30 new destinations to the alliance network.

Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia and a fast growing emerging market. SkyTeam is actively working to grow its presence in the region and Garuda is a very welcome addition to the alliance. Garuda has a broad Indonesian and regional network and is able to offer additional coverage and improved connections to the Asia Pacific. Some of the 30 new destinations in the SkyTeam network are Surabaya in East Java, Medan in North Sumatra and Perth in Australia.

“Joining SkyTeam is a long-term development strategy for Garuda Indonesia, and for years we have been upgrading our service and actively forging cooperation with SkyTeam member airlines with this objective in mind,” said Emirsyah Satar, President and CEO of Garuda. “As the first Indonesian airline to join this world-class alliance, our strategic target is to continuously strengthen profitability and boost international market competitiveness”.

“The most fitting word to characterize 2010 for SkyTeam is growth. Welcoming a member that covers a considerable part of Southeast Asia definitely illustrates our expansion”, said SkyTeam Chairman Leo van Wijk. “Indonesia has great cultural and historical wealth, is rich in a range of natural resources and has seen impressive economic developments. Garuda‟s financial and operational restructuring has proven very successful and I am convinced that this will help position the airline as a major player in the region”. Garuda Indonesia was named the „World‟s Most Improved Airline‟ at the Skytrax 2010 World Airline Awards.

“Jakarta will serve as an alternate gateway to and from Asia,” said SkyTeam Managing Director Mr. Marie-Joseph MalĂ©. “Garuda‟s consideration to expand its intercontinental network to Frankfurt, Paris, London and Rome will make the airline an increasingly attractive option for business and leisure travelers”.

Garuda already cooperates extensively with Korean Air, Vietnam Airlines, China Southern and China Airlines and will establish additional codeshare agreements with other SkyTeam partners. The joining process leading to full entry into SkyTeam is expected to be completed by 2012.

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Uji Terbang Boeing 737-500 Riau Air Mulus

PEKANBARU (RP)- Sesuai dengan agenda, proving flight (pembuktian terbang) Riau Air Boeing 737-500 dengan nomor penerbangan PK-RAW B-737, berkapasitas 124 penumpang, berjalan tanpa hambatan. Pesawat memulai penerbangan dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta (Cenagkareng/CGK), Jakarta pukul 11.00 WIB dan mendarat mulus di Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim (SSK) II Pekanbaru sekitar pukul 12.28 WIB.

Tentunya ini menjadi harapan baru bagi penerbangan Riau bersama Riau Air ke depan. Dari Jakarta ke Pekanbaru, pesawat mengangkut sembilan orang rombongan dari Direktorat Keselamatan Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kementerian Perhubungan RI, bersama dengan tim penilai dari Dewan Kelaikan dan Penggunaan Pesawat Udara (DKUPPU). Turut terbang Direktur Operasional Riau Air, Maman Syaifurohman, dengan dua orang pilot kapten Marvil dan Kapten Amin, juga empat orang pramugari.

Proving flight kali ini dilakukan selama dua hari, dengan rute yang sudah ditentukan mulai Selasa (14/12) sampai Rabu (15/12). Setelah itu akan ada briefing internal manajemen Riau Air, yang selanjutnya akan diinformasikan kepada manajemen. Setelah itu akan dibuat korektif action dan akan dilaporkan kepada Departeme Perhubungan. Apabila dinilai sudah layak, maka akan dikeluarkan izin tersebut.

‘’Proving flight ini menerbangkan rute non komersil sembari dicek atau diperiksa oleh inspektur Kementerian Perhubungan. Artinya bagaimana Riau Air mampu melaksanakan operasional dengan pesawat baru, dengan regulasi yang sudah ditetapkan, standar keamanan yang sudah ditetapkan dan kualifikasi kru yang sudah standar. Tentunya ini menjadi harapan baru bagi Riau Air ke depannya,’’ jelas Direktur Operasional Riau Air, Maman Syaifurohman kepada Riau Pos, di Bandara SSK II.

Bukan hanya itu, ditambahkannya, tim penilai dari DKUPPU melihat semuanya. Mulai dari ground handling-nya, kesepakatan dengan pihak ketiga, dan semua prosedur penerbangan.

Pesawat yang dipiloti Kapten Penerbang Marvil ini melakukan serangkaian uji melewati rute yang nantinya akan menjadi jalur komersil pesawat Riau Air, yang menurut rencananya akan mulai beroperasi secara normal tanggal 18 Desember mendatang. Kedatangan pesawat Riau Air ini disambut langsung oleh Sekdaprov Riau yang juga Komisaris Utama PT Riau Air Wan Syamsir Yus, Kepala Biro Perekonomian Setdaprov Riau Adizar, dan jajaran Direksi Riau Air di antaranya Direktur Komersil Raja Revan Menzano serta beberapa manajer di Riau Air.

‘’Riau Air ini akan menjalani serangkaian penerbangan uji rute mulai Bandara Cengkareng-Pekanbaru-Natuna-Tanjung Pinang dan kembali ke Cengkareng sore hari ini juga,’’ tambah Maman. Selanjutnya, pada Rabu besok (hari ini, red) proving flight akan dilanjutkan kembali dengan rute dari Cengkareng-Pekanbaru-Dumai dan kembali ke Cengkareng.

Komisaris Utama Riau Air Wan Syamsiryus menyambut gembira susksesnya pendaratan pesawat milik maskapai kebanggaan masyarakat Riau itu di Bandara SSK II Pekanbaru. Dia Berharap, kedatangan pesawat Boeing 737-500 ini menjadi titik awal kebangkitan maskapai Riau Air dalam persaingan di dunia penerbangan komersil di Indonesia.

‘’Alhamdulillah, pesawat yang ditunggu akhirnya datang juga. Kami optimis Riau Air ini bisa lulus dari uji rute ini dan ini baru yang pertama. Selanjutnya akan ada pesawat berikutnya,’’ ungkap Wan Syamsir yang turut melihat kondisi pesawat saat tiba di SSK II.

Dilanjutkan Maman, kedatangan dan keikutsertaan rombongan Direktorat Keselamatan Ditjen Kementerian Perhubungan RI dalam proving flight tersebut untuk menilai armada Riau Air sebelum terbang komersil. ‘’Ditjen Perhubungan Udara melakukan berbagai penilaian terhadap Riau Air, mulai dari kecakapan pilot, co-pilot, pramugari, prosedur standar penerbangan, sampai mengecek check in counter Riau Air,’’ ungkapnya. Dijelaskan lagi, sebelum proving flight, Boeing 737-500 ini sudah menjalani berbagai persiapan teknikal, seperti acceptance internal Riau Air dan kementerian terkait historikal pesawat, komponen pesawat layak, mesin terdaftar.

‘’Selanjutnya pengurusan izin operasional, demo evakuasi pada hari Ahad lalu, selanjutnya proses dokumentasi dan diakhiri dengan prosedur proving flight. Hasil proving flight inilah nanti yang akan menjadi rangkaian akhir ujicoba sebelum terbang secara komersil,’’ ungkapnya.

Dijelaskan Maman, pesawat yang baru disewa Riau Air ini masih tergolong prima untuk dijadikan angkutan komersial, karena usia pesawat baru 17 tahun. ‘’Untuk ukuran pesawat komersil, Boeing ini masih prima, semuanya tergantung perawatan. Bisa saja umur pesawat itu sampai 40 tahun, setelah kemarin dicek, komponen pesawat masih layak,’’ ungkapnya.

Kepala Biro Perekonomian Setdaprov Riau, Adizar, mengungkapkan, ujicoba akan berlangsung selama dua hari. ‘’16-17 Desember dijadwalkan Maskapai Riau Air sudah melakukan promo transaksi penjualan tiket pesawat di konter-konter penjual tiket pesawat.

Saat Terbang Pun Pilot Diuji
Dalam perjalanan dari Cengkareng menuju Bandara SSK II, pilot dan seluruh perangkat penerbang Riau Air diuji oleh tim penguji. Tentunya ini dimaksud sebagai penilaian untuk kesiapan dari kru sendiri dalam pengoperasian pesawat.

Hal ini dikatakan Maman Syaifurohman. Untuk penilaian pihak Riau Air belum tahu dan berharap segera mendapatkan izinnya. ‘’Kami belum tahu kapan dikeluarkan, mudah-mudahan dua tiga hari ini kita sudah bisa mendapatkan izin itu dan dapat langsung melakukan penerbangan perdana pada 18 Desember,’’ jelasnya.

Diceritakannya, awal kedatangan itu dijadwalkan pukul 11.40 WIB, namun terjadi keterlambatan, tiba di SSK II pukul 12.28 WIB dengan lancar dan mulus saat mendarat.

‘’Ini bukan hanya penerbangan biasa. Jadi inspektor tersebut melihat pesawatnya juga, dan banyak pertanyaan kepada kami saat terbang tadi. Semua diuji oleh mereka. Banyak hal-hal yang di-konform kepada pramugari, tekniknya, dan FO-nya, juga kepada pilot. Jadi sambil terbang mereka banyak menguji kesiapan,’’ tambahnya.

New Lufthansa seat saves nearly 30% in weight

At just under 11kg (24lb), Lufthansa's new seat is 4.3kg lighter than its predecessor.

The nearly 30% weight reduction has been achieved through the replacement of seat padding foam with a polyester mesh, a new armrest and detail optimisations such as an enlarged hole in the seat belt lock, which saves 60g per seat. While the new accommodation will shave off, for example, around 300kg off a Boeing 737's empty weight, the savings across the fleet are to total approximately 131t.

Ease of maintenance was another objective for the BL3520 seat. The ultra-thin sitting area can be folded up for quick access to the support structure. Recaro employed a nano technology-based, dirt repellent surface coating for the aisle-side plastic cover below the armrest. This is one of the most highly strained parts of the seat due to the likely impact from hand baggage, service trolleys etc.

Lufthansa BL3520 seating, Lufthansa
Lufthansa BL3520 seating, Lufthansa
© Lufthansa

Lufthansa will install the new accommodation in both its economy and business class, meaning the end of the latter's "cocktail table" in between window and aisle seats. This is a small table in the current model, which folds down from the back rest of the unpopular middle seat, when the row is converted from economy to business class. The mechanism also involves the sideway movement of the inner armrests, creating a slightly wider aisle/window seat. However, the feature could not be included in the slim backrest of the new seat.

Surveys showed that business class travellers did not consciously notice the slight width increase, says head of product management European traffic Stefan Schuermann. He adds that the main passenger requirement was for the middle seat to remain unoccupied.

Emphasising its legacy carrier status, Lufthansa has decided to increase the onboard service on its short and medium-haul network. Economy class passengers will get a snack such as a muesli bar on all flights except ultra short connections, such as between Frankfurt and Nuremberg where there is not enough time for a trolley service. A hot meal will be served on cross-border routes with a flight time of more than two hours. For business class, the airline will work with selected chefs to create varying meals.

Lufthansa is currently working on a new long-haul economy class seat, which it intends to introduce with the planned service entry of the 747-8 at the end of 2011.

AirAsia launches new airline in the Philippines

Malaysia-based low-cost carrier AirAsia will set up a new joint venture carrier in the Philippines, which will begin operations in the third quarter of 2011.

It will hold a 40% stake in the carrier through its wholly-owned subsidiary AirAsia International, says the carrier. Philippine investors Antonio O. Cojuangco Jr, Michael R. Romero and Marianne B. Hontiveros will own the remaining 60%, with each individual holding a 20% stake.

The new airline will focus on markets in China, South Korea and Japan, says AirAsia. It will also concentrate on "existing prime markets" like Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

"These sectors will enhance AirAsia's ASEAN regional expansion by providing AirAsia with additional routes and destinations and linking the destinations with AirAsia's already comprehensive route network," adds the airline.

AirAsia Philippines will begin flights in the third quarter of 2011, subject to it gaining the necessary regulatory approvals.

An AirAsia spokeswoman says it is not clear yet how many aircraft will be based in the Philippines. The airline group operates a mostly Airbus A320 fleet.

AirAsia says it will provide "technical, operational and commercial support on an arm's length basis" to the joint venture to ensure uniformity throughout the airline group.

"We are proud to extend AirAsia's successful low-cost business model to the Philippines and make it affordable for the average Filipino to travel domestically and regionally. The low cost airline will also offer greater access to affordable travel to the Philippines which will help the economic growth of the country," says AirAsia's group CEO Tony Fernandes.

AirAsia already operates flights to Manila's Clark Airport from Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu. Its new joint venture in the Philippines will compete against other low-cost carriers in the country like Cebu Pacific, Airphil Express and Zest Airways.

December 15, 2010

Deliveries of Merpati's MA60s resume

Indonesian state-owned carrier Merpati Nusantara is again taking delivery of MA60 turboprops, having resolved financing troubles that had forced Aviation Industry Corporation of China subsidiary Xian Aircraft (XAC) to suspend deliveries.

Merpati in 2006 ordered 15 MA60s and received the first two in August 2007 before shipments stopped when Merpati could not obtain financing for the aircraft. The carrier has since struck a payment deal with the Indonesian government and the state-owned Export-Import Bank of China, allowing it to take six deliveries between 29 November and 3 December, with a seventh expected to arrive on 15 December and the remaining six aircraft in March 2011.

Under the agreement the bank will pay XAC for the aircraft. Then, after five years, the Indonesian government will repay the bank using funds from Merpati, says an airline official.

Merpati's order of 15 MA60s is the largest so far for the aircraft type, according to AVIC.

The airline will operate the MA60s to domestic destinations such as Bali, Makassar, Medan and Sumatra.
Emirates A380 wing damaged as catering truck collapses

Emirates has removed one of its Airbus A380 aircraft from service after an incident in which a scissor-lift catering truck collapsed at Toronto, damaging the right wing.

The aircraft, registered A6-EDE, had been parked at gate 173 of Terminal 1 when the incident happened at 19:44 on 7 December.

Transport Canada investigators state, in an incident filing, that the aircraft was being prepared for a return service to Dubai and that the catering truck was servicing the upper deck at the time.

It was accessing the second door on the upper right-hand side when, says the filing, the scissor jack of the vehicle "reportedly failed and the truck body fell".

The filing says it came down on the leading edge of the inboard starboard wing and wing root, damaging it.

Emirates A380